Cflow brings maritime data to life, powered by Clarify

June 2, 2021
3 min read

Modern fishing boats, wellboats, and other vessels are all loaded with data. Data that could be put to use for both onboard crew and onshore teams. Cflow Synergy Log and Clarify makes it possible.

On board a Cflow boat looking towards the ocean.

The goal: Make vessel and maritime data useful for a wide range of people, from crew to remote teams

Cflow delivers world leading fish handling systems for wellboats and fishing boats. From Tasmania via Norway to Chile, Cflow powers installations around the globe that has to work under the most demanding conditions, in the worlds roughest waters.

Data from these vessels have the potential to improve operations, maintenance and design of onboard systems. We have been working together with Cflow on bringing maritime data to life for several applications, to give both Cflow and their customers value from the data that their systems generate.

The complexity of wellboat operations, with biology, technology, environmental and human factors coming together for a successful result.

The challenge: Bringing vessel and maritime data to life  

Both well-boats and fishing boats are becoming bigger and more complex, while generating ever more data. From onboard process control systems, generators, propulsion and positioning data to external sources such as weather and oceanographic data that can provide context and add clarity. Most often these data sources exists in siloed systems and on different formats. In addition maritime operations add the complexity of lack of data communication for extended periods of time.

We have been collaborating with Cflow on solving the technical complexity of gathering data from multiple sources and multiple formats onboard. All while exploring how we can make data useful and valuable for everyone involved, from onboard crew to remote teams around the globe.

Inside view of a wellboat. In essence a floating factory with engines, water treatment, generators, pumps and valves in the thousands. Generating valuable data, every second, year round.

The solution: Cflow Synergy Log onboard data logger + Clarify in the cloud

Making vessel data useful is a complex technical task. In collaboration we have built Cflow Synergy Log to integrate, store and make onboard data easily available for human and machine usage. Data is made available and useful through a web interface for reporting, dashboarding, and governmental reporting tailored to user needs. In addition the onboard data logger streams industrial data directly to Clarify, to further add context, collaboration and lower the threshold to put vessel data to use.

A wellboat and how to turn vessel data into value in three steps.

The datalogger integrates directly with onboard process control and sensor systems via OPC-UA, NMEA and other protocols if needed. Cflow Synergy Log handles local storage, buffering, communications and security, as well as hosting the user interface for onboard users. This gives an easy overview over vessel and fleet data, in an intuitive interface tailored to crew needs.

The Clarify platform handles storage in the cloud and make data available for use through the Clarify API, Clarify timelines for exploration and collaboration, as well as connectors to PowerBI, Grafana, R and so on. This lowers the threshold to use data previously locked in silos to feed a wide array of valuable customer use cases.

Birds eye view of a fish farm and a wellboat operation taking place. With Clarify you can now explore and colloaborate around live data from this operation.

The effect: Enabling improvement and innovation based on vessel data

Easy data access for onboard personell

For documentation and reporting of operations, as well as for general problem solving and improvement work.

Easy data access for onshore personell

Remove the burden of reporting from onboard crew, easily access and get the reports you need through both the Clarify and Cflow Synergy Log interface in your browser or on your mobile phone.  

Increased traceability

All the data is stored and available for documentation to freight owners, governments and other needs.

All vessel data in the cloud - for predictive maintenance, fleet management, analysis and digital twins

By capturing data and by using the Clarify API  the complexity of turning data into value is removed. Meaning lower cost, less time and resources needed to turn data into value.

Do you want to understand how Clarify might help your business or go through this case in more detail? Request a demo and we'll get back to you shortly.

*Pictures used in this article are taken by Vasco Pinhol, for Cflow.


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